Friday, August 14, 2009

Alistair on the Move!

Happy boy cooling off in his new pool
Sipping on some pear juice with breakfast...yum yum

Well our "little bean" is getting bigger, 9 month old now . Boy is he suprising us daily with his new "moves". About two afternoons ago I heard this gibber gabber from his room, like he was having a conversation with someone in there and to my horror/Surprise , he was standing in his crib!!!!! He was just standing there playing with his toy MP3 player.
I'm so glad he was standing on his own, but it was a big surprise that we have to lower the crib mattress already . He was also introduced to Sippy Cups this week , he handles them like a pro I must say. He's sipping on grape, pear and apple juice now and loving it. Citrus is another part of his happiness, he can chew on limes and lemons till the sun goes down :), he's got some Florida boy in him yet I guess. Last night Daddy and Alistair watched football together, when it got to his bedtime (7pm) he cried and cried cause he wanted to see who won....I have no idea myself?
This week we are watching Alistair's cousin Jayden again and its nice to have another little babe around.
Daddy brought home a kiddie pool to cool off in and we put it in the porch area (shade) so we could play without getting burnt :)


Jovina and Bill said...

He's getting so big!

Amie said...

I just LOVE his smile in that first pic! Great idea on the baby pool Daddy :)